Commodity Documents — Information Retrieval Fields

Some documents collected by Bilby are relevant to one or more commodities that are tradeable on Chinese exchanges. Bilby labels such documents with the relevant commodity, quantifies the degree of this relevance with a floating point score, and assigns ordinal rankings to each day's documents, based on this score.

Field NameTypeExample/Possible ValuesDescription
relevant_commoditystringAluminum , Coal , Coke , Coking Coal , Copper , Corn , Crude Oil , Ethylene Glycol , Gold , Hot Rolled Coil , Iron Ore , Lead , Methanol , Natural Gas , Natural Rubber , Nickel , PE , PP , PTA , PVC , Palladium , Palm Oil , Platinum , Polybutadiene , Rapeseed Meal , Rapeseed Oil , Silver , Soy Oil , Soybean , Soybean Meal , Steel Rebar , TSR 20 , Tin , Urea , Wheat , Wood Pulp , or ZincThe commodity to which the underlying document is relevant.
theme_relevance_scorenumber0value1The relevance score of the underlying document to the relevant_commodity.
theme_relevance_ranknumber1, 2, 3, ...The rank of the underlying document, as measured by relevance_score, compared to other commodity-related documents published on the same day.


Definition: The commodity to which the underlying document is relevant.

Possible values: One of the 37 labels: Aluminum , Coal , Coke , Coking Coal , Copper , Corn , Crude Oil , Ethylene Glycol , Gold , Hot Rolled Coil , Iron Ore , Lead , Methanol , Natural Gas , Natural Rubber , Nickel , PE , PP , PTA , PVC , Palladium , Palm Oil , Platinum , Polybutadiene , Rapeseed Meal , Rapeseed Oil , Silver , Soy Oil , Soybean , Soybean Meal , Steel Rebar , TSR 20 , Tin , Urea , Wheat , Wood Pulp , and Zinc.


Definition: Bilby has created one classifier model for each of the 37 commodities currently found on Chinese exchanges (please consult the "possible values" section in the relevant_commodity entry, below, for a complete list of these commodities). Each model computes the relevance of the underlying document to the given commodity, and assigns this value to the theme_relevance_score variable.

Possible values: A float in the interval [0, 1] (i.e., between 0 and 1, inclusive).


Definition: On any given day, the document with the Nth-highest theme_relevance_score is assigned a theme_relevance_rank of N. For example, the highest-scored document is given a rank of 1; the second-highest, a rank of 2, and so on.

Possible values: Positive integers 1, 2, 3, ...

Note: The tabular data returned by the Bilby API is sorted first in ascending order of publication date (i.e. published_at), and then in descending order of theme_relevance_score. As a result, the theme_relevance_rank is sorted in ascending order for each day.