Basic Documents — Composite Fields

A field that is computed using only the values of other fields, rather than by applying an algorithm to the underlying document, is called a composite field. There are only two such fields returned by the Bilby Quant API: policy_impact_score and policy_impact_percentage.

Field NameTypeExample/Possible ValuesDescription
policy_impact_scorenumber0value1A score designed to capturethe overall impact of the policy discussed in the underlying document.
policy_impact_percentagenumber0value100A rescaled version of the policy_impact_score, ranging between 0 and 100.


Definition: A weighted combination of the policy_stage_prediction, importance_prediction, and sentiment_extremity fields, designed to capture the overall impact of the policy discussed in the underlying document.

Possible values: A float in the interval [0, 1] (i.e., between 0 and 1, inclusive).


Definition: A simple rescaling of the policy_impact_score field, computed by the formula:

policy_impact_percentage := 100 * policy_impact_score.

Possible values: A float in the interval [0, 100] (i.e., between 0 and 100, inclusive).